Optimal Workforce

Welcome to Optimal Workforce

About Us

It's Time to Optimize

When was the last time you looked at your Human Resource solutions and capability as more than simply a compliance function? Paying attention to your greatest cost and most important resource is long overdue. At Optimal Workforce, we help you design and deploy technologies to help you acquire, build, track and deploy human capital more effectively.

People, Your Greatest Resource

What is your greatest spend? For most services based organizations, that spending is on labor, talent, or human capital. Regardless of the name you assign to your talent pool, without the right people chances are your organization cannot function effectively much less achieve a specific mission.

Optimal Workforce Delivers

At Optimal Workforce, we've spent our careers focused on helping customers deploy innovative technologies to solve key business challenges. Our passion? Enabling the American workforce to grow and prosper. For talent to be tapped more effectively and efficiently. Let us help you identify new and better ways to optimize your labor force.


Contact Us

Drop us a line!

Better yet, see us in person!

We love our customers, so feel free to visit during normal business hours.

Optimal Workforce

600 Sixth Street, Annapolis, MD 21403, us

(410) 268-1498


Monday - Friday: 9am - 5pm

Saturday: By appointment

Sunday: Closed